Accelerated 腐蚀 Testing of 混凝土


混凝土 corrosion typically occurs when the steel rebar that exists in reinforced concrete rusts and starts to deteriorate. The expanding rust exerts pressure inside the concrete, 导致它膨胀, crack and damage surrounding concrete. Structures using reinforced concrete should be tested to detect corrosion before significant damage occurs.

洪堡 provides a wide range of quality control testing tools for the detailed detection and evaluation of corrosion, 氯离子含量, ASR恶化, and carbonation in reinforced concrete structures. For instructions on how to perform half cell corrosion mapping, read our 博客文章.

If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.


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